Shipping Information

  • Shipping with tracking from:
    California / Texas / N. Carolina
    Shipping starts at $4.69 or
    FREE shipping orders $35+.

We ship to anywhere in the United States, and we will email you a tracking number as soon as we ship your order.

We are partnered with the following shipping carriers:

  • United States Postal Service (USPS)
  • FedEx

Estimated delivery time consists of:

  • Our warehouse fulfillment time of *2 to 5 business days plus the shipping carrier time of *3 to 4 business days.

*These time frames are estimates. Possible causes for delay are: a high volume of orders, upcoming holidays, natural disasters, or severe weather. Shipping carriers balance factors such as speed, cost, weight, and destination.

During the checkout process, a more accurate delivery time is automatically calculated and shown on the checkout page.


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